Articles tagged with: signed

Collector's Guide for Muhammad Ali Autographs

on Freitag, 14 Januar 2011.

Hundrets of signature examples showing the development of his sigis signatunature


Privately Printed, Miami, 2009, 90 pages heavily illustrated. Thirteen chapters chock full of information regarding Ali's signature from his days of Cassius Clay, Cassius X and Muhammad Ali. What you need to be aware of his machine signed signatures to preprints and secretarial signatures. Chapters on forgeries and in person experiences both in the United States and in Europe. This educational reference book is strictly limited to only 150 numbered copies hand signed by all three authors.

Orders can be booked at

Markus Brandes, Wiesenwinkelstrasse 1, CH-8593 Kesswil, Switzerland , Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

“I Am The Greatest!“: Eine Studie zu den Handschriften von Muhammad Ali
von Heinz-Ulrich Kammeier

Das Sammeln von Handschriften berühmter Persönlichkeiten bereitet in der Regel große Freude, es sei denn es stellt sich heraus, dass man im Nachhinein erkennen muss unechte Signaturen in seiner Sammlung zu haben. Auch wenn diese Erfahrung schmerzlich ist (der Verfasser dieser Zeilen weiß, worüber er schreibt), so ist es doch hilfreich ein Buch an die Hand zu bekommen, das einem hilft, Falschsignaturen zu erkennen.

Shawn Anderson, Markus Brandes und Stephen Koschal haben ein solches vorgelegt, in dem sie die Signiergewohnheiten und auch die Falschunterschriften des wohl größten Boxsportlers aller Zeiten, Cassius Clay bzw. Muhammad Ali vorstellen und an zahlreichen Beispielen erläutern.

Im vorliegenden Buch mit dem Titel “The Collector’s Guide to Muhammad Ali Autographs“ stellen die drei Autoren über 100 echte und falsche Handschriften des an Parkinson leidenden früheren Boxweltmeisters aller Klassen vor und beleuchten alle Facetten: die echten Unterschriften, die reproduzierten und die gefälschten, die das FBI auf den Plan riefen.

Auch wenn man nicht das Gebiet „Sport“ sammelt: das vorliegende Werk gewährt einen detaillierten Einblick in die Signiergewohnheiten eines faszinierenden und doch so unglücklichen Menschen namens Muhammad Ali bzw. Cassius Clay.

Das Buch kann bei Markus Brandes, Wiesenwinkelstrasse 1, CH-8593 Kesswil, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! zum Preis von € 10 bestellt werden.

Hungarian F1 Grand Prix 2011

on Mittwoch, 10 August 2011. Posted in Hunting Channel

by Andras Kolozs (Hungary)

Hungarian F1 Grand Prix 2011

There were rich possibilities to collect drivers autograph by the Hungarian Grand Prix last weekend in Budapest.

Autograph hunting at 50th anniversary of Kartclub Kerpen + Belgium F1 Grand Prix 2011

on Donnerstag, 15 September 2011. Posted in Hunting Channel

50th anniversary of Kartclub Kerpen with Michael and Sebastian Vettel

Both, Michael and Sebastian, were close to the fans. So it was possible to collect a lot of great autographs. Michael wrote autographs in many different situations. Sebastian wrote even more always trying to fulfill every autographs wish. At the end of the day I had more Michael autographs as usual.

Directly after leaving Kerpen, I travelled to Spa in Belgium. F1.

Einstein Manuscripts Sell in Excess of $1.2 Million

on Mittwoch, 18 April 2012. Posted in General Autograph News

Einstein Manuscripts Sell in Excess of $1.2 Million
Eclipsing the auction price of $1,050,000 achieved in 1987 for Einstein’s manuscript on the Theory of Relativity and $500,000 for the Einstein/Besso Manuscript, sold in 2002, Lion Heart Autographs sold on April 14, 2012, to an American collector for more than $1,200,000, over 110 pages of hitherto unknown Einstein manuscripts spanning a wide range of scientific subjects.

Collecting F1 autographs at German Grand Prix at Nuerburgring 2011

on Montag, 01 August 2011. Posted in Hunting Channel


Great. He is the World Champion and also as friendly as your best friend from the next door. Unbelievable friendly. OK, it is not easy to meet him, but then he signs many photographs.

and shorter. Also it is completely different than last year.

Available Author Autograph Signature Samples

on Freitag, 19 August 2011. Posted in Autograph Reference Websites


Available Author Autograph Signature Samples

Do you want to compare the autograph in your signed book with other copies of the author's signature? Check our list of 1000+ scanned author signatures. Scroll down to the author's name and click to see one or more scans of his or her autograph.

Please note that while we have reason to be confident that these are genuine signatures by virtue of their sources, they have not undergone any expert examination or verification. Accordingly, TomFolio does not guarantee their authenticity, nor can a comparison of a signature with these examples exclude the possibility of an autopen, a printed facsimile or a reasonably capable forgery.

Nord Korea Autographs: Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il

Written by Dr.Márián Zoltán on Dienstag, 03 April 2012. Posted in World Leaders

Father and Son

The Strange Saga of Clancy Smyres and Why His Autograph is More Valuable Than Babe Ruth

on Sonntag, 22 September 2013. Posted in General Autograph News

September 23, 2013 By Jim Stinson

Clancy Smyres played in five major league games for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1944 , had two major league at bats and a lifetime batting average of .000.

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